Shelter and Other Stories

Shelter and Other Stories


"We've got your results here."

"What did you find?"

"Irish, English and German.  Fairly typical.  Nothing too unexpected there.  But then there's a catch."

"You're showing up as .1% alien DNA.  Not dissimilar to the octopus actually."


"Yup.  Says is right here.  An ancient ancestor of yours.  Non-human DNA. Maybe about 12 to 15 thousand years ago.  It's such a small amount.  But it's definitely there."

"What?!  What does that even mean?"

"We don't know.  But I can tell you you're not alone.  We do see this from time to time.  Unfortunately, I am required to notify the government in situations like this."

"OK, I understand.  Thank you."


In his second collection of stories, author P. Canole explores an everyday world of alien visitors, would-be detectives and unruly roommates.

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